Project Description
SEDAR 22 addresses stock assessments for Gulf of Mexico yellowedge grouper and tilefish. The Data Workshop was held March 15-19,2010 in Tampa, FL, the Assessment Process was conducted via a series of webinars between June and October 2010 and the Review workshop was held February 14-17,2011 in a Tampa, Florida.
NOTE: SEDAR Working papers document the methods, datasets, and preliminary analyses that are under consideration at the various workshops and therefore do not necessarily represent final consensus opinions of workshop participants. Working paper findings and methods may change following workshop review. Working papers should not be cited without author permission.
Project Workshops
SEDAR 22 Data Workshop
Workshop Working Papers
- S22DW01 Golden tilefish (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) age, growth, and reproduction from the northeastern Gulf of Mexico: 1985,1997-2009 Opens in a new window
- S22DW02 Commercial longline vessel standardized catch rates of yellowedge grouper in the Gulf of Mexico Opens in a new window
- S22DW03 Golden tilefish and blueline tilefish standardized catch rates from commercial longline vessels in the Gulf of Mexico Opens in a new window
- S22DW04 Discards of yellowedge grouper, golden tilefish, and blueline tilefish from commercial fishing vessels in the Gulf of Mexico Opens in a new window
- S22DW05 Explorations of habitat associations of yellowedge grouper and golden tilefish Opens in a new window
- S22DW06 Abundance Indices of subadult Yellowedge Grouper, Epinephelus flavolimbatus, Collected in Summer and Fall Groundfish Surveys in the northern Gulf of Mexico Opens in a new window
- S22DW07 Abundance Indices of Yellowedge Grouper and Golden Tilefish Collected in NMFS Bottom Longline Surveys in the northern Gulf of Mexico Opens in a new window
- S22DW08 Yellowedge grouper (Epinephelus flavolimbatus) age, growth and reproduction from the northern Gulf of Mexico Opens in a new window
- S22DW09 Observed Length frequency distributions and otolith sampling issues for yellowedge groupers caught in the Gulf of Mexico from 1984 to 2009. Opens in a new window
- S22DW10 Observed Length frequency distributions and otolith sampling issues for tile fish caught in the Gulf of Mexico from 1984 to 2009 Opens in a new window
- S22DW11 Length frequency distributions for blue line tile fish caught in the Gulf of Mexico from 1984 to 2009 Opens in a new window
- S22DW12 Estimation of species misidentification in the commercial landing data of tile fish in the Gulf of Mexico from 1984 to 2009 Opens in a new window
- S22DW13 Estimation of species misidentification in the commercial landing data of yellowedge groupers in the Gulf of Mexico from 1984 to 2009 Opens in a new window
- S22DW14 Evidence of hermaphroditism in Golden Tilefish (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) in the Gulf of Mexico Opens in a new window
- S22DW15 Recreational Survey Data for Yellowedge Grouper, Tilefish (golden), and Blueline Tilefish in the Gulf of Mexico Opens in a new window
- S22DW16 Estimated Recreational Catch in Weight: Method for Filling in Missing Weight Estimates from the Recreational Surveys Opens in a new window
- S22DW17 Commercial Landings of Yellowedge Grouper, Golden Tilefish, and Blueline Tilefish from the Gulf of Mexico region Opens in a new window
Workshop Reference Documents
- CIE Reviewer Report – Chen Opens in a new window
- S22RD01 Lead-radium dating of golden tilefish (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) Opens in a new window
- S22RD02 Status of the yellowedge grouper fishery in the Gulf of Mexico Opens in a new window
- S22RD03 Yellowedge grouper (Epinephelus flavolimbatus) and golden tilefish (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) distributions, habitat preferences and available biological samples Opens in a new window
- S22RD04 Validation of yellowedge grouper, Epinephelus flavolimbatus, age using nuclear bomb-produced radiocarbon Opens in a new window
- S22RD05 Population dynamics structure, and per –recruit analyses of yellowedge grouper, Epinephelus flavolimbatus from the northern Gulf of Mexico Opens in a new window
- S22RD06 Reproduction of yellowedge grouper Epinephelus flavolimbatus, from the eastern Gulf of Mexico Opens in a new window
- S22RD07 Burrow utilization by yellowedge grouper, Epinephelus flavolimbatus, in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico Opens in a new window
- S22RD08 Age and growth of the yellowedge grouper, Epinephelus flavolimbatus, and the yellowmouth grouper, Mycteroperca interstitialis, off Trinidad and Tobago Opens in a new window
- S22RD09 A descriptive survey of the bottom longline fishery in the Gulf of Mexico Opens in a new window
SEDAR 22 Assessment Workshop
Workshop Working Papers
- S22AW01 United States Commercial Longline Vessel Standardized Catch Rates of Golden and Blueline Tilefish in the Gulf of Mexico, 1992-2009: Revised Opens in a new window
- S22AW02 United States Commercial Longline Vessel Standardized Catch Rates of Yellowedge Grouper (Epinephelus flavolimbatus) for Three Regions in the Gulf of Mexico, 1991-2009 Opens in a new window
- S22AW03 Pre-review draft of the tilefish assessment report (23 Nov 2010) Opens in a new window
- S22AW04 Pre-review draft of the yellowedge grouper assessment report (23 Nov 2010) Opens in a new window
Workshop Reference Documents
- CIE Desk Reviewer Report – Tingley Opens in a new window
- S22RD10 Comparison of Two Techniques for Estimating Tilefish, Yellowedge Grouper, and Other Deepwater Fish Populations Opens in a new window
- S22RD11 Deep-water sinkholes and biotherms of South Florida and the Pourtales Terrace – Habitat and Fauna Opens in a new window
- S22RD12 Tilefishes of the genus Caulolatilus construct burrows in the sea floor Opens in a new window
- S22RD13 Spawning Locations for Atlantic Reef Fishes off the Southeastern U.S. Opens in a new window
- S22RD14 Trends in tilefish distribution and relative abundance off South Carolina and Georgia Opens in a new window
- S22RD15 Age, growth, and reproductive biology of blueline tilefish along the Southeastern coast of the United States, 1982-1999 Opens in a new window
- S22RD16 Temporal and spatial variation in habitat characteristics of tilefish (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) off the east coast of Florida Opens in a new window
- S22RD17 The Complex Life History of Tilefish Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps and Vulnerability to Exploitation Opens in a new window
- S22RD18 The fishery for tilefish, Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps, off South Carolina and Georgia Opens in a new window
- S22RD19 Tilefish off South Carolina and Georgia Opens in a new window
- S22RD20 Spawner-recruit relationships of demersal marine fishes: Prior distribution of steepness for possible use in SEDAR stock assessments Opens in a new window
SEDAR 22 Review Workshop
Workshop Reference Documents
Project Supplemental
- Report of the Gulf of Mexico SSC Review of the SEDAR 22 Tilefish Assessment Opens in a new window
- Report of the Gulf of Mexico SSC Review of the SEDAR 22 Yellowedge Grouper Assessment Opens in a new window
- SEDAR 22 Final Document List Opens in a new window
- SEDAR 22 Gulf of Mexico Tilefish Terms of Reference Opens in a new window
- SEDAR 22 Gulf of Mexico Yellowedge Grouper Terms of Reference Opens in a new window
- SEDAR 22 Project Schedule Opens in a new window