Project Description
SEDAR 69 addressed the benchmark and ecological reference points stock assessments for Atlantic Menhaden. The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission coordinated the Data Workshops to be held April 23-27 and October 9-12, 2018 in Arlington, VA. The ASMFC also coordinated the Assessment Workshops April 1-5, 2019 in Arlington, VA and June 24-28, 2019 in Providence, RI. The Review Workshop was coordinated through SEDAR and held November 4 – 8, 2019 in Charleston SC.
For more information on the data and assessment workshops, please visit, or contact Max Appleman ( or 703.842.0740).
For more information on the review, please contact the SEDAR Coordinator for this project, Kathleen Howington (
NOTE: SEDAR Working papers document the methods, datasets, and preliminary analyses that are under consideration at the various workshops and therefore do not necessarily represent final consensus opinions of workshop participants. Working paper findings and methods may change following workshop review. Working papers should not be cited without author permission.
Project Workshops
SEDAR 69 Atlantic Menhaden Review Workshop
Workshop Reference Documents
- SEDAR 69 RD01: SEDAR 40 Stock Assessment report Atlantic Menhaden Opens in a new window
- SEDAR 69 RD02: Hierarchical analysis of multiple noisy abundance Indices Opens in a new window
- SEDAR 69 RD03: Estimation of movement and mortality of Atlantic menhaden during 1966–1969 using a Bayesian multi-state mark-recovery model Opens in a new window
- SEDAR 69 RD04: Trends in Relative Abundance and Early Life Survival of Atlantic Menhaden during 1977–2013 from Long-Term Ichthyoplankton Programs Opens in a new window
- SEDAR 69 RD05: Multi-state dead recovery mark-recovery model performance for estimating movement and mortality rates Opens in a new window
- SEDAR 69 RD07: Evaluating the performance of a multispecies statistical catch-at-age model Opens in a new window
- SEDAR 69 RD08: Parameter estimation in stock assessment modelling: caveats with gradient-based algorithms Opens in a new window
- SEDAR 69 RD09: Reconciling single-species TACs in the North Sea demersal fisheries using the Fcube mixed-fisheries advice framework Opens in a new window
- SEDAR 69 RD10: Working Group on Mixed Fisheries Advice (WGMIXFISH-ADVICE) Opens in a new window
- SEDAR 69 RD11: Evaluation of Current and Alternative Harvest Control Rules for Blue Whiting Management using Hindcasting Opens in a new window
- SEDAR 69 RD12: Public Comment Forum Submissions Opens in a new window
- SEDAR 69 RD13: Cookbook for Using Model Diagnostics in Integrated Stock Assessments Opens in a new window