Project Description
SEDAR 25 addresses stock assessments for South Atlantic black sea bass and tilefish. The Data Workshop was held April 26-28, 2011 Charleston, SC, Assessment workshop was held June 21-23, 2011 Beaufort, NC and Review workshop was held October 11-13, 2011 Charleston, SC
NOTE: SEDAR Working papers document the methods, datasets, and preliminary analyses that are under consideration at the various workshops and therefore do not necessarily represent final consensus opinions of workshop participants. Working paper findings and methods may change following workshop review. Working papers should not be cited without author permission.
Project Workshops
SEDAR 25 Data Workshop
Workshop Working Papers
- S25DW01 Black sea bass length frequencies and condition of released fish from at-sea headboat observer surveys, 2004-2010 Opens in a new window
- S25DW02 Standardized CPUE of black sea bass (Centripristis striata) caught in blackfish and Florida snapper traps deployed by MARMAP Opens in a new window
- S25DW03 Standardized CPUE of black sea bass (Centropristis striata) from chevron trapping by MARMAP Opens in a new window
- S25DW04 Catch-per-unit-effort of golden tilefish from MARMAP bottom longlining Opens in a new window
- S25DW05 Klibansky and Scharf batch fecundity methods Opens in a new window
- S25DW06 The Regulations that have already affected the Black Sea Bass rebuilding Opens in a new window
- S25DW07 Commercial Longline Vessel Standardized Catch Rates of Tilefish in the US South Atlantic, 1993- 2010 Opens in a new window
- S25DW08 The potential for using the sea bass pot fishery to assess changes in abundance of black sea bass (Centropristis striata) in the South Atlantic region Opens in a new window
- S25DW09 Fisheries-dependent landings data for the east Florida golden tilefish (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) fishery Opens in a new window
- S25DW10 Black sea bass and tilefish discard mortality working paper Opens in a new window
- S25DW11 Bottom longline fishery bycatch of golden tilefish from observer data Opens in a new window
- S25DW12 Abundance indices of black sea bass collected during SEAMAP shallow water trawl surveys in the South Atlantic Bight (1990-2010) Opens in a new window
- S25DW13 Standardized discard rates of US black sea bass (Centropristis striata) from headboat at-sea observer data Opens in a new window
- S25DW14 Preliminary standardized catch rates of Southeast US Atlantic black sea bass (Centropristis striata) from headboat data Opens in a new window
- S25DW15 South Carolina Department of Natural Resources State Finfish survey (SFS) Opens in a new window
- S25DW16 SCDNR Charterboat Logbook Program Data, 1993-2010 Opens in a new window
- S25DW17 A note on the occurrence of bank sea bass (Centropristis ocyurus) in the Florida hook and line and black sea bass pot fisheries Opens in a new window
- S25DW18 Commercial vertical line vessel standardized catch rates of black sea bass in the US South Atlantic, 1993-2010 Opens in a new window
- S25DW19 Calculated discards of black sea bass and tilefish from commercial fishing vessels in the US South Atlantic Opens in a new window
- S25DW20 Summary of black sea bass (Centropristis striata) length composition sampling from the Gulf and South Atlantic Fisheries Foundation observer program, 2007-2009 Opens in a new window
- S25DW21 Summary of black sea bass (Centropristis striata) length composition sampling from the Trip Interview Program (TIP) 1981-2010 Opens in a new window
- S25DW22 Summary of golden tilefish (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) length composition sampling from the Trip Interview Program (TIP) 1981-2010 Opens in a new window
- S25DW23 Revised working paper: SCDNR Charterboat logbook program data, 1993-2010 (replaces SEDAR25-DW16) Opens in a new window
- S25DW24 Standardized catch rates of black sea bass from commercial fish traps in the US South Atlantic, 1993-2010 Opens in a new window
Workshop Reference Documents
- S25RD01 Tilefish off South Carolina and Georgia Opens in a new window
- S25RD02 Temporal and spatial variation in habitat characteristics of tilefish (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) off the east coast of Florida Opens in a new window
- S25RD03 The fishery for tilefish, Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps, off South Carolina and Georgia Opens in a new window
- S25RD04 The complex life history of tilefish Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps and vulnerability to exploitation Opens in a new window
- S25RD05 South Carolina Sea Grant Project: To investigate and document legal and undersized fish (Black Sea Bass) and injuries to released fish. Opens in a new window
- S25RD06 The 1882 tilefish kill – a cold event in shelf waters off north-eastern United States? Opens in a new window
- S25RD07 Contributions to the life history of black sea bass, Centropristis striata, off the Southeastern United States Opens in a new window
- S25RD08 Population characteristics of the black sea bass Centropristis striata from the Southeastern US Opens in a new window
- S25RD09 The summer flounder, scup, and black sea bass fishery of the Middle Atlantic Bight and southern New England waters Opens in a new window
- S25RD10 Estimating discard mortality of black sea bass (Centropristis striata) and other reef fish in North Carolina using a tag-return approach Opens in a new window
- S25RD11 List of working papers for SEDAR 4 (Atlantic and Caribbean deepwater snapper and grouper) – all documents are available on the SEDAR website Opens in a new window
- S25RD12 List of reference documents for SEDAR 4 (Atlantic and Caribbean deepwater snapper and grouper) – all documents are available on the SEDAR website Opens in a new window
- S25RD13 Evaluation of multiple survey indices in assessment of black sea bass from the US South Atlantic Coast Opens in a new window
- S25RD14 Seasonal distribution and movement of black sea bass (Centropristis striata) in the northwest Atlantic as determined from a mark-recapture experiment Opens in a new window
- S25RD15 Species profiles: Life histories and environmental requirements of coastal fishes and invertebrates (South Atlantic) – Black sea bass Opens in a new window
- S25RD16 Black sea bass Opens in a new window
- S25RD17 Seafood Watch – Black Sea Bass (Centropristis striata), northeast region Opens in a new window
- S25RD18 Dispersal of black sea bass (Centropristis striata) larvae on the southeast US continental shelf: results of a coupled vertical larval behavior – 3D circulation model Opens in a new window
- S25RD19 List of working paper for SEDAR 2 (SA Black sea bass) – all documents are available on the SEDAR website Opens in a new window
- S25RD20 Catch rates and selectivity among three trap types in the US South Atlantic black sea bass commercial trap fishery Opens in a new window
- S25RD21 Lead-radium dating of golden tilefish (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) Opens in a new window
- S25RD22 Black sea bass, Centropristis striata, life history and habitat characteristics (second edition) Opens in a new window
- S25RD23 Spawning locations for Atlantic reef fishes off the Southeastern US Opens in a new window
- S25RD24 Growth of black sea bass (Centropristis striata) in recirculating aquaculture systems Opens in a new window
- S25RD25 American food and game fishes. A popular account of all the species found in America north of the equator, with keys for ready identification, life histories and methods of capture – Tilefish excerpt Opens in a new window
- S25RD26 American fishes: A popular treatise upon the game and food fishes of North America with especial reference to habits and methods of capture – Sea basses excerpt Opens in a new window
- S25RD27 American food and game fishes. A popular account of all the species found in America north of the equator, with keys for ready identification, life histories and methods of capture – Centropristes excerpt Opens in a new window
- S25RD28 Returns from the 1965 Schlitz tagging program including a cumulative analysis of previous results Opens in a new window
- S25RD29 Source Document for the Snapper-Grouper Fishery of the South Atlantic region Opens in a new window
- S25RD30 FMP, Regulatory Impact Review, and final Environmental Impact Statement for the SG fishery of the South Atlantic region Opens in a new window
- S25RD31 Biological-statistical census of the species entering fisheries in the Cape Canaveral area Opens in a new window
- S25RD32 Survey of offshore fishing in Florida Opens in a new window
- S25RD33 Southeastern US Deepwater reef fish assemblages, habitat characteristics, catches, and life history summaries Opens in a new window
- S25RD34 Sea bass pots: bigger mesh may yield larger fish Opens in a new window
- S25RD35 Migration and standing stock of fishes associated with artificial and natural reefs on Georgia’s outer continental shelf Opens in a new window
- S25RD36 The South Carolina fishery for black sea bass (Centropristis striata), 1977-1981 Opens in a new window
- S25RD37 Age sampling of the commercial snapper grouper fishery and age description of the black sea bass fishery in North Carolina Opens in a new window
- S25RD38 Black sea bass 2009 stock assessment update (Northeast Fisheries Science Center Reference Document 09-16) Opens in a new window
- S25RD39 The recreational fishery in South Carolina: The Little River story Opens in a new window
- S25RD40 Otolith and histology interpretation workshop for golden tilefish and snowy grouper Opens in a new window
- S25RD41 Age workshop for black sea bass (Centropristis striata) Opens in a new window
- S25RD42 Population genetic structure of black seabass (Centropristis striata) on the eastern US coast, with an analysis of mixing between stocks north and south of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina Opens in a new window
- S25RD43 Delineation of tilefish, Lopholatilus chamaeleonticpes, stocks along the United States east coast and in the Gulf of Mexico Opens in a new window
- S25RD44 Foreign fishing off the southeastern United States under the currently accepted contiguous sea limitation Opens in a new window
- S25RD45 Black sea bass, managing a fishery. A case study. *website document* Opens in a new window
- S25RD46 SAFMC Science and Statistics Committee, Bio- Assessment sub-committee Opens in a new window
SEDAR 25 Assessment Workshop
SEDAR 25 Review Workshop
Workshop Working Papers
- S25RW01 Comments and notes received during the data, assessment and review for SEDAR 25 Opens in a new window
- S25RW02 Comments and notes received during the assessment and review for SEDAR 25 Opens in a new window
- S25RW03 The Beaufort Assessment Model (BAM) with application to black sea bass: model description, implementation details, and computer code Opens in a new window
- S25RW04 The Beaufort Assessment Model (BAM) with application to tilefish: model description, implementation details, and computer code Opens in a new window
- S25RW05 Development and diagnostics of the Beaufort assessment model applied to black sea bass Opens in a new window
- S25RW06 Development and diagnostics of the Beaufort assessment model applied to tilefish Opens in a new window
- S25RW07 Use of MARMAP age compositions in SEDAR 25 – Methods of addressing sub-sampling concerns from SEDAR 2 and SEDAR 17 Opens in a new window
- S25RW08 Fisheries management actions confound the ability of the Beaufort Assessment Model (BAM) to explain dynamics of the Golden Tilefish fishery off of east Florida Opens in a new window
- S25RW09 A note on the use of flat-topped selectivity curves in SEDAR 25 Opens in a new window
- S25RW10 On steepness Opens in a new window
- S25RW11 Some considerations of area interactions Opens in a new window
Workshop Reference Documents
Project Post SEDAR Documentation
- S25 CIE RW Reviewer Report – Bell Opens in a new window
- S25 CIE RW Reviewer Report – Medley Opens in a new window
- S25 CIE RW Reviewer Report – Smith Opens in a new window
- South Atlantic Black Seabass: Projections, December 2011 Opens in a new window
- South Atlantic Black Seabass: Projections, June 2012 Opens in a new window
- South Atlantic Tilefish: Interim Projections, January 5, 2012 Opens in a new window
- South AtlanticTilefish: Projections – P*0.35, January 27, 2012 Opens in a new window