Project Description
SEDAR 35 will address the stock assessment for Caribbean red hind. The Data Workshop was scheduled to be held October 9-11, 2013 in St. Thomas, USVI but was postponed to the Federal shutdown. The rescheduled Data Workshop will be held March 11-13,2014. The Assessment Process was conducted via webinar from May- July 2014, and CIE Desk Review workshop was conduct ing late August-early Septemebr 2014. For more information, please contact the SEDAR Coordinator for this project, Julie A. Neer:
NOTE: SEDAR Working papers document the methods, datasets, and preliminary analyses that are under consideration at the various workshops and therefore do not necessarily represent final consensus opinions of workshop participants. Working paper findings and methods may change following workshop review. Working papers should not be cited without author permission.
Project Final Report
Project Workshops
SEDAR 35 Data Workshop
Workshop Working Papers
- S35-DW-01: Monitoring of Commercially Exploited Fisheries Resources in Puerto Rico Opens in a new window
- S35-DW-02: Reef Fish Monitoring Opens in a new window
- S35-DW-03: Red hind data from Puerto Rico Opens in a new window
- S35-DW-04: Abundance Indices of Red Hind Collected in Caribbean SEAMAP Surveys from Southwest Puerto Rico Opens in a new window
Workshop Reference Documents
- S35-RD01: A Cooperative Multiagency Reef Fish Monitoring Protocol for the U.S. Virgin Islands Coral Reef Ecosystem, v. 1.00 Opens in a new window
- S35-RD02: Fishery independent survey of commercially exploited fish and shellfish populations from mesophotic reefs within the Puerto Rican EEZ Opens in a new window
- S35-RD03: Portrait of the commercial fishery of red hind, Epinephelus guttatus, in Puerto Rico during 1992-1999 Opens in a new window
- S35-RD04: Portrait of the commercial fishery of red hind, Epinephelus guttatus, in Puerto Rico during 1988-2001 Opens in a new window
- S35-RD05: Evaluation of seasonal closures of red hind, Epinephelus guttatus (Pisces: Serranidae), spawning aggregations to fishing off the west coast of Puerto Rico, using fishery-dependent and independent time series data Opens in a new window
- S35-RD06: Description of larval development of the red hind Epinephelus guttatus, and the spatio-temporal distributions of ichthyoplankton during a red hind spawning aggregations off La Parguera, Puerto Rico Opens in a new window
- S35-RD07: Brief Summary of SEAMAP Data Collected in the Caribbean Sea from 1975 to 2002 Opens in a new window
- S35-RD08: Population characteristics of a recovering US Virgin Islands red hind spawning aggregation following protection Opens in a new window
- S35-RD09: Spatial and temporal patterns of movement and migration at spawning aggregations of red hind, Epinephelus guttatus, in the U.S. Virgin Islands Opens in a new window