Project Description
Benchmark assessment. Gulf of Mexico Vermilion Snapper, Greater Amberjack, and Gray Triggerfish
Project Update Report
- 2010 Update, SEDAR 09 Gulf of Mexico Greater Amberjack Opens in a new window
- 2011 Update, SEDAR 09 Gulf of Mexico Gray Triggerfish Opens in a new window
- 2011 Update, SEDAR 09 Gulf of Mexico Vermilion Snapper Opens in a new window
To access the SEDAR 09 Update assessment documentation click here
Project Workshops
SEDAR 9 Data Workshop
Workshop Working Papers
- S9DW01 History of vermilion snapper, greater amberjack, and gray triggerfish management in Federal waters of the US Gulf of Mexico, 1984-2005 Opens in a new window
- S9DW02 Vermilion Snapper Otolith Aging: 2001-2004 Data Summary Opens in a new window
- S9DW03 Reproduction of vermilion snapper from the Northern and Eastern Gulf of Mexico, 1991-2002. Opens in a new window
- S9DW04 Standardized catch rate indices for vermilion snapper landed by the US recreational fishery in the Gulf of Mexico, 1986-2004 Opens in a new window
- S9DW05 Standardized catch rate indices for vermilion snapper landed by the US commercial handline fishery in the Gulf of Mexico, 1990-2004 Opens in a new window
- S9DW06 Standardized catch rates of vermilion snapper from the US headboat fishery in the Gulf of Mexico, 1986-2004 Opens in a new window
- S9DW07 Estimated Gulf of Mexico greater amberjack recreational landings (MRFSS, Headboat, TXPW) for 1981-2004 Opens in a new window
- S9DW08 Size frequency distribution of greater amberjack from dockside sampling of recreational landings in the Gulf of Mexico 1986-2003 Opens in a new window
- S9DW09 Size frequency distribution of greater amberjack from dockside sampling of commercial landings in the Gulf of Mexico 1986-2003 Opens in a new window
- S9DW10 Standardized catch rates of gulf of Mexico greater amberjack for the commercial longline and handline fishery 1990-2004 Opens in a new window
- S9DW11 Length Frequency Analysis and Calculated Catch at Age Estimations for Commercially Landed Gray Triggerfish (Balistes capriscus) From the Gulf of Mexico Opens in a new window
- S9DW12 Estimated Gray Triggerfish (Balistes capriscus) Landings From the Gulf of Mexico Headboat Fishery Opens in a new window
- S9DW13 Estimated Gray Triggerfish (Balistes capriscus) Commercial Landings and Price Information for the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Opens in a new window
- S9DW14 Estimated Gray Triggerfish (Balistes capriscus) Recreational Landings for the State of Texas Opens in a new window
- S9DW15 Estimated Gray Triggerfish (Balistes capriscus) Landings From the Marine Recreational Fishery Statistics Survey (MRFSS) In the Gulf of Mexico Opens in a new window
- S9DW16 Length Frequency Analysis for the Gray Triggerfish (Balistes capriscus) Recreational Fishery In the Gulf of Mexico Opens in a new window
- S9DW17 Estimates of Vermilion Snapper, Greater Amberjack, and Gray Triggerfish Discards by Vessels with Federal Permits in the Gulf of Mexico Opens in a new window
- S9DW18 Size Composition Data from the SEAMAP Trawl Surveys Opens in a new window
- S9DW19 Species Composition of the various amberjack species in the Gulf of Mexico Opens in a new window
- S9DW20 Standardized Catch rates of Gulf of Mexico greater amberjack catch rates for the recreational fishery (MRFSS, Headboat) 1981-2004 Opens in a new window
- S9DW21 SEAMAP Reef Fish Survey of Offshore Banks: Yearly indices of Abundance for Vermilion Snapper, Greater Amberjack, and Gray Triggerfish Opens in a new window
- S9DW22 Data Summary of Gray Triggerfish (Balistes capriscus),Vermilion Snapper (Rhomboplites aurorubens), and Greater Amberjack (Seriola dumerili) Collected During Small Pelagic Trawl Surveys, 1988 – 1996 Opens in a new window
- S9DW23 Abundance Indices of Gray Triggerfish and Vermilion Snapper Collected in Summer and Fall SEAMAP Groundfish Surveys (1987 – 2004) Opens in a new window
- S9DW24 Review of the Early Life History of Vermilion Snapper, Rhomboplites auroubens, With a Summary of Data from SEAMAP plankton surveys in the Gulf of Mexico: 1982 – 2002 Opens in a new window
- S9DW25 Review of the early life history of gray triggerfish, Balistes capriscus, with a summary of data from SEAMAP plankton surveys in the Gulf of Mexico: 1982, 1984 – 2002 Opens in a new window
- S9DW26 Shrimp Fleet Bycatch Estimates for the SEDAR9 Species Opens in a new window
- S9DW27 SEAMAP Trawl Indexes for the SEDAR9 Species Opens in a new window
- S9DW28 Standardized Abundance Indices for Gulf of Mexico Gray Triggerfish (Balistes capriscus) based on catch rates as measured by the Marine Recreational Fisheries Statistics Survey (MRFSS) Opens in a new window
- S9DW29 Standardized Abundance Indices for Gulf of Mexico Gray Triggerfish (Balistes capriscus) based on catch rates as measured by the NMFS Southeast Zone Headboat Survey Opens in a new window
- S9DW30 Standardized Abundance Indices for Gulf of Mexico Gray Triggerfish (Balistes capriscus) based on catch rates as measured from commercial logbook entries with handline gear Opens in a new window
- S9DW31 Estimated Gulf of Mexico vermilion snapper recreational landings (MRFSS, headboat, TPWD) for 1981-2004 Opens in a new window
Workshop Reference Documents
- S9RD01 Stock structure of gray triggerfish on multiple spatial scales in the Gulf of Mexico. Opens in a new window
- S9RD02 Indirect estimation of red snapper and gray triggerfish release mortality Opens in a new window
- S9RD03 Preliminary Analysis of Tag and Recapture Data of the Greater Amberjack, Seriola dumerili, in the Southeastern United States Opens in a new window
- S9RD05 A multispecies approach to subsetting logbook data for purposes of estimating CPUE Opens in a new window
- S9RD06 Stock assessments of Gulf of Mexico greater amberjack using data through 1998. Opens in a new window
- S9RD07 Catch rates of greater amberjack caught in the handline fishery in the Gulf of Mexico in 1990-1998 Opens in a new window
- S9RD08 Catch rates of greater amberjack caught in the headboat fishery in the Gulf of Mexico, 1986-1998. Opens in a new window
- S9RD09 Projections of Gulf of Mexico greater amberjack from 2003-2012 Opens in a new window
- S9RD10 Gulf of Mexico greater amberjack abundance from recreational charter and private boat anglers from 1981-1998. Opens in a new window
- S9RD11 A stock assessment for gray triggerfish in the Gulf of Mexico. Opens in a new window
- S9RD12 Another assessment of gray triggerfish in the Gulf of Mexico using a space-state implementation of the Pella-Tomlinson production Model Opens in a new window
- S9RD13 Status of the vermilion snapper fishery in the Gulf of Mexico. Assessment 5.0 Opens in a new window
- S9RD14 Report of vermilion snapper otolith aging; 1994-2000 data summary Opens in a new window
- S9RD15 Genetic stock structure of vermilion snapper in the Gulf of Mexico and southeastern United States Opens in a new window
- S9RD16 Age, growth, and reproduction of greater amberjack in the Southwestern North Atlantic. December 2004 Analytical Report Opens in a new window
- S9RD17 Preliminary Assessment of Atlantic white marlin using a state-space implementation of an age-structured production model Opens in a new window
- S9RD18 VPA-2BOX Program Documentation, Version 2.01. 2003. ICCAT Assessment Program Documentation. Opens in a new window
- S9RD19 VPA-2BOX Program Documentation, Version 3.01. 2003. ICCAT Assessment Program Documentation. Opens in a new window
- S9RD4 Trends in Gulf of Mexico Greater Amberjack Fishery through 1998: Commercial landings, Recreational Catches, Observed length Frequencies, Estimates of Landed and Discarded Catch at Age, and Selectivity at Age. Opens in a new window
SEDAR 9 Assessment Workshop
Workshop Working Papers
- S9AW01 Incorporating age information into SEAMAP trawl indices for SEDAR9 species Opens in a new window
- S9AW02 Separating Vermilion Snapper Trawl Indexes into East and West Components Opens in a new window
- S9AW03 Modeling Shrimp Fleet Bycatch for the SEDAR9 Assessments Opens in a new window
- S9AW04 Status of the Vermilion Snapper (Rhomboplites Aurorubens) Fisheries of the Gulf of Mexico Opens in a new window
- S9AW05 Gulf of Mexico Greater Amberjack Stock Assessment Opens in a new window
- S9AW06 A Categorical Approach to Modeling Catch at Age for Various Sectors of the Gray Triggerfish (Balistes Capriscus) Fishery in the Gulf of Mexico Opens in a new window
- S9AW07 Updated Fishery-Dependent Indices of Abundance for Gulf of Mexico Gray Triggerfish (Balistes Capriscus) Opens in a new window
- S9AW08 An Aggregated Production Model for the Gulf of Mexico Gray Triggerfish (Balistes Capriscus) Stock Opens in a new window
- S9AW09 Age-Based Analyses of the Gulf of Mexico Gray Triggerfish (Balistes capriscus) Stock Opens in a new window
- S9AW10 Gulf of Mexico greater amberjack virtual population analysis assessment Opens in a new window
- S9AW11 Rebuilding Projections for the Gulf of Mexico Gray Triggerfish (Balistes capriscus) Stock. Opens in a new window